Saw this on a friends post on facebook and had to share. If you have problems with separating egg yolks, instead of the normal methods, you might want to try this.
Basically you need two plates, a bowl, an empty water bottle (like 16 oz size) and eggs in their shell.
Crack open an egg on one plate (throw the egg shells into the bowl).
Pick up the empty water bottle.
Put tip of water bottle up next to egg yoke and squeeze. The pressure from the squeeze will draw up the yolk into the water bottle. You can put multiple yolks in the bottle if you want.
Then in the empty plate you just need to gently squeeze the water bottle again and the pressure will push the yolk out onto the plate.
How easy is that. Now to go and try it.
Basically you need two plates, a bowl, an empty water bottle (like 16 oz size) and eggs in their shell.
Crack open an egg on one plate (throw the egg shells into the bowl).
Pick up the empty water bottle.
Put tip of water bottle up next to egg yoke and squeeze. The pressure from the squeeze will draw up the yolk into the water bottle. You can put multiple yolks in the bottle if you want.
Then in the empty plate you just need to gently squeeze the water bottle again and the pressure will push the yolk out onto the plate.
How easy is that. Now to go and try it.